Gregory Bateson
Anthropology Disciplines Archaeological Biological Cultural Linguistic Social Discipline subfields Social and cultural subfields Applied Art Cognitive Cyborg Development Digital Ecological Environmental Economic Political economy Feminist Historical Kinship Legal Media Medical Musical Nutritional Political Psychological Public Religion Transpersonal Urban Visual Linguistic subfields Descriptive Ethno- Historical Semiotic Sociolinguistics Archaeological and biological subfields Anthrozoological Biocultural Evolutionary Feminist Forensic Maritime Palaeoanthropological Research framework Ethnocentrism Ethnography Ethnology Emic and etic Participant observation Online ethnography Cross-cultural comparison Holism Reflexivity Cultural relativism History of anthropology Key theories Actor-network theory Alliance theory Cross-cultural studies Cultural ecology Cultural materialism Culture theory Diffusionism Feminism Functionalism Historical particularism Interpretive Performance studies Political economy Practice theory Structuralism Post-structuralism Systems theory Key concepts Evolution Society Culture Prehistory Sociocultural evolution Kinship and descent Gender Race Ethnicity Development Colonialism Postcolonialism Value Lists Outline Bibliography Journals By years List of indigenous peoples Organizations Anthropologists by nationality Anthropology portal v t e Gregory Bateson (9 May 1904 – 4 July 1980) was an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields. In the 1940s he helped extend systems theory and cybernetics to the social and behavioral sciences. He spent the last decade of his life developing a "meta-science" of epistemology to bring together the various early forms of systems theory developing in different fields of science. His writings include Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) and Mind and Nature (1979). Angels Fear (published posthumously in 1987) was co-authored by his daughter Mary Catherine Bateson.