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Louis Althusser
Part of a series on Marxism Theoretical works Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Theses on Feuerbach The German Ideology The Communist Manifesto The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Das Kapital Dialectics of Nature Concepts Dialectical materialism Historical materialism Marx's method Scientific socialism Socialism Communism Proletariat Bourgeoisie Economics Capital (accumulation) Asiatic mode of production Capitalist mode of production Crisis theory Commodity Exploitation Means of production Mode of production Law of value Socialist mode of production Surplus product Surplus value Value-form Wage labor Sociology Alienation Base and superstructure Bourgeoisie Class Class consciousness Class struggle Commodity fetishism Cultural hegemony Exploitation Human nature Ideology Immiseration Proletariat Private property Relations of production Reification Working class History Historical materialism Historical determinism Anarchism and Marxism Socialism Dictatorship of the proletariat Primitive capital accumulation Proletarian revolution Proletarian internationalism World revolution Stateless communism Philosophy Marxist geography Marxist humanism Marxist literary criticism Marxist philosophy of nature Philosophy in the Soviet Union Young Marx Open Marxism Variants Classical Orthodox Trotskyism Marxism–Leninism Marxism–Leninism–Maoism Feminist Western Autonomism Analytical Libertarian Neo-Marxism Post-Marxism Instrumental Structural Movements Anti-Revisionism Situationist International De Leonism Impossibilism People Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Karl Kautsky Eduard Bernstein James Connolly Georgi Plekhanov Rosa Luxemburg Vladimir Lenin Leon Trotsky Chen Duxiu Joseph Stalin Ho Chi Minh Che Guevara Mao Zedong Louis Althusser György Lukács Karl Korsch Antonio Gramsci Antonie Pannekoek Rudolf Hilferding Guy Debord more... Socialism portal Communism portal Philosophy portal v t e Louis Pierre Althusser (French: [altysɛʁ]; 16 October 1918 – 22 October 1990) was a French Marxist philosopher. He was born in Algeria and studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he eventually became Professor of Philosophy. Althusser was a longtime member—although sometimes a strong critic—of the French Communist Party. His arguments and theses were set against the threats that he saw attacking the theoretical foundations of Marxism. These included both the influence of empiricism on Marxist theory, and humanist and reformist socialist orientations which manifested as divisions in the European communist parties, as well as the problem of the "cult of personality" and of ideology. Althusser is commonly referred to as a structural Marxist, although his relationship to other schools of French structuralism is not a simple affiliation and he was critical of many aspects of structuralism. Althusser's life was marked by periods of intense mental illness. In 1980, he killed his wife by strangling her. He was declared unfit to stand trial due to insanity, and was committed to a psychiatric hospital for three years. He did little further academic work, dying in 1990.

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Background photo by Giuliana