Miroslav Volf
Miroslav Volf (born September 25, 1956) is a Croatian Protestant theologian and public intellectual who is often recognized as "one of the most celebrated theologians of our day". Having taught at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in his native Osijek, Croatia (1979–80, 1983–90), and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California (1990–1998), Volf currently serves as the Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture. Having received two advanced degrees under the famed German theologian Jürgen Moltmann (Dr. theol. and Dr. theol. habil.), Volf has forged a theology that has earned him the designation "a theologian of the bridge". The main thrust of his theology is to bring the reality and the shape of God's Trinitarian life and love to bear on multiple divisions in today's world—between denominations, faiths, and ethnic groups as well as between the realms of the sacred and the secular (in particular business, politics, and globalization processes). Volf won the 2002 University of Louisville and the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Grawemeyer Award in Religion and his 1996 book Exclusion and Embrace was named by Christianity Today as one of the 100 Most Influential Books of the Twentieth Century. He has also served as an advisor for the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and for several years co-taught a course at Yale with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on globalization. Volf is a frequent commentator on religious and cultural issues in popular media outlets such as CNN, NPR, and Al Jazeera.