Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Aaron Klein →
Obama repeatedly has condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization that should be isolated until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel.
Was Sen. Barack Obama a Muslim? Did he ever practice Islam? The presidential candidate officially rejects the claims, but the issue of Obama's... →
Widely distributed reports have noted in January 1968, Obama was registered as a Muslim at Jakarta's Roman Catholic Franciscus Assisi Primary... →
I have been under assault by the liberal media in the United States.
The Obama administration has issued numerous orders essentially suspending deportations, prompting a major spike in illegal crossings.
The official Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state.
Catholic schools in Indonesia routinely accept non-Catholic students, but exempt them from studying religion. Obama's school documents, though... →
Democrats have a long history of utilizing the threat of a potential Ebola outbreak to request massive federal funds while attacking Republicans for... →
In committing an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces to join international Ebola relief efforts in West Africa, President Obama seems to be fulfilling the... →
Just for the record, I personally do agree with some of the sentiments of Rabbi Meir Kahane. I think he was right about certain things, wrong about... →
Lost in much of the national debate about immigration reform is how Democrats ultimately stand to gain electorally with any legislation or executive... →
The newly released movie 'Noah' features a retelling of the creation story that clearly depicts Darwinian evolution transforming a... →
When Obama was first proposed as a presidential candidate in 2007, the nation failed to have a meaningful debate concerning the serious... →