Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Aimee Bender →
I like birthday cake. It's so symbolic. It's a tempting symbol to load with something more complicated than just 'Happy birthday!'... →
When language is treated beautifully and interestingly, it can feel good for the body: It's nourishing; it's rejuvenating.
I'm obsessed with adolescence. I love to write about people in their 20s. It's such a fraught and exciting and kind of horrible time.
As a kid, I liked making up stories, and I wrote a story about a kangaroo and a bat with Christy Chang, and she went on to become a surgeon.
As a kid, I often figured it was good to be patient to a fault.
I like the idea of a place that is dealing with painful, messy, frightening, and very human events that is also so beautiful and ethereal.
I really like feeling connected to people and feeling like I have a good, solid sense of empathy.
Writing can be a frightening, distressing business, and whatever kind of structure or buffer is available can help a lot.
Generally, I think most of my writing tends to have some kind of magical element to it. That's the way I can access the emotional life of the... →
I find I can write for two lines, and then I have nothing else to say. For me, the only way to find something comes through the sentence level and... →
I noticed, when I taught elementary school, how true the squeaky wheel thing is, and how endearing squeaky wheels can be! Because when you're... →
I write on a very strict 2-hour-a-day schedule, and I really respond to structure and invented rules. So even if I'm finding out good information... →
Some creative writing programs seem evil, but my experience at Irvine was totally the opposite, where I feel like they were really good at focusing... →