Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Bonnie Jo Campbell →
We have a shotgun we inherited from my father-in-law, a paranoid Englishman living in Texas. I have a .22 Marlin rifle, similar to the one Annie... →
A mathematical proof is beautiful, but when you're finished, it's really only about one thing. A story can be about many things.
I always felt a weird obligation to be adventurous.
I think by writing about a place with great specificity, you manage to make it universal.
When I was little, we lived on 8 acres and my mom had a horse. But when I was 7, my mom kicked my dad out, and then in order to feed us five kids... →
Writing is so wrapped up in ego, but with math one is just trying to get it right, although you're often wrong. I think math helped me become a... →
I enjoy shooting. Around where I live, it's something you do for entertainment once in a while, you go out and shoot targets.
I always know exactly where my stories take place, which gives me something certain so I can use my imagination for the other stuff. I worry though... →
For 'King Cole's American Salvage,' I rode around in the wrecker with a local driver and watched him deal with customers and hook up the... →
I love writing about men. To get by in the world you have to know how men think. Not that all guys think alike, but women tend to think about more... →
I mostly write about the working poor. Somehow, they're not being written about much anymore. I'm very interested in people who are in a... →
I read stories aloud at every stage. I listen to my writer friends when they kindly offer criticism. I listen to my husband when he tells me... →
I've worked behind counters serving food, and I've lived on the circus train, and I've led bicycle tours in Eastern Europe and the... →