Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Eugene Jarecki →
My father left Nazi Germany a year after Dr. Kissinger, and so in my household he was very much an icon. He was a kind of immigrant success story, a... →
The big lesson of Reagan is: To think that he was some sort of simple figurehead and didn't do the thinking and simply read a script in front of... →
If we went back to the imprisonment rate we had in the early '70s, something like four out of five people employed in the prison industry would... →
The whole idea of a democracy is that we ourselves, the people, are supposed to make a path of our politics, and it is we who with our feet and our... →
His track record of pragmatism, depth and candor all speak to a person who would find the Tea Party simplistic, opportunistic and misguided. Reagan... →
Ron Reagan amazingly qualifies as an honest broker. I asked him if he was a mama's boy and he said no, more of a papa's boy. At the same time... →
Ronald Reagan's legacy is deeply misunderstood because there are political actors in America who, for several reasons, have privately held... →
Reagan is held up to us as an example of never raising taxes. Correction: Reagan raised taxes six of his eight years as president. Why? He was a... →
Reagan has very significant things to teach us - positive lessons and quite negative lessons.
Ronald Reagan, whatever his pros and cons were, was a public servant in the end.
There are people who are trying to advance themselves by wrapping themselves in Reagan.
We come out of Jewish-refugee, Holocaust stock, which means that our predecessors fled and we learned that systems of power are vulnerable to... →
Elites are once again invoking Reagan, dropping their G's and saying things in a folksy sort of way that's meant to capture the hearts of... →