Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Frederick Pollock →
Our lady the Common Law is a very wise old lady though she still has something to learn in telling what she knows.
Not that pleading can be taken as a test, for the forms of action, notably Debt, ignore the fundamental difference between duties imposed by law and... →
It is odd how learned persons fail to see that new terms and definitions are apt to mean new doubts and litigation.
Medieval justice was a quaint thing.
But it is strange how many rational beings believe the ultimate truths of the universe to be reducible to patterns on a blackboard.
Yet when one suspects that a man knows something about life that one hasn't heard before one is uneasy until one has found out what he has to say.
If you deny that any principles of conduct at all are common to and admitted by all men who try to behave reasonably - well, I don't see how you... →
Crabbed and obscure definitions are of no use beyond a narrow circle of students, of whom probably every one has a pet one of his own.
The oldest theory of contract is I think negative.
I have not heard that even the New York abortion has done very much in the States where it has been enacted.
It cannot be assumed that equity was following common law whenever they agreed, any more than the converse.
It is strange how little harm bad codes do.
So far I go with the Socialists as to think it a pretty general rule that, where monopoly is necessary, it is better in public hands.