Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Gretchen Rubin →
I love finding - or inventing - ways to categorize people.
For one person, organized files might be a crucial tool for creativity; another person finds inspiration in random juxtapositions.
I'm always trying to figure out ways to keep hold of memories. My one-sentence journal, for instance.
I'm much calmer when there's no TV or music playing in the background.
Children's literature is one of my joys, and it's also my mental comfort food.
Enthusiasm is a form of social courage.
Most decisions don't require extensive research.
One of my 'Secrets of Adulthood' is: Somewhere, keep an empty shelf. I know where my empty shelf is, and I treasure it.
For quotes, I have one document for general quotes; the other for happiness-related quotes, which I use for the 'Moment of Happiness,' my... →
It's so easy to use tired, shopworn figures of speech. I love using long, fancy words but have learned - mostly from writing my biography of... →
One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we... →
Don't let yourself fall into 'empty.' Keep cash in the house. Keep gas in your tank. Keep an extra roll of toilet paper squirreled away.... →
Whenever I'm trying to decide how to spend my precious time, energy, or money, I ask myself a series of questions. 'Will this broaden or... →