Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Jamais Cascio →
You need to recognize that the copyright date on a book reflects when it came out, not when it was written - assume that the information in the book... →
Simply put, the Internet undermines the ability of an institution to control its own narrative.
The Internet is not kind to established institutions.
The reality is that de-carbonisation is not happening fast enough.
There's no doubt: The iPad is a beautiful, extremely well-designed device.
I do think that fashion may end up being the 'killer app' for wearable augmented reality systems. This is in part because it's not simply... →
The biggest potential and actual crises of the 21st century all have a strong, long, slow aspect with a significant lag between cause and effect. We... →
Blended-reality technology could play in a limited, walled-garden world, but history suggests that it won't really take off until it offers broad... →
I don't think that a Singularity would be visible to those going through one. Even the most disruptive changes are not universally or immediately... →
In the U.S., we are free to speak our minds and to spend money without being forced to reveal our identities - except when using the Web. Browsing... →
It's a pretty widely-accepted notion that the atmosphere is a ridiculously complex system, and the best we can do with our models is a rough... →
Many futurists use a checklist approach to make sure they're covering a sufficiently wide set of topics in terms of both research and... →
The highest compliment I can give a science fiction book is that it's 'plausibly surreal' - it manages to feel like a relentless... →