Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Jeffrey Kluger →
Sisters have ways of socializing brothers into the mysteries of girls. Brothers have ways of socializing sisters into the puzzle that is boys.
A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat, then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to... →
Marriage is a lot of things - a source of love, security, the joy of children, but it's also an interpersonal battlefield, and it's not hard... →
People with anxiety disorders such as OCD know that nothing can be more paralyzing than having too many options. Go to a store to buy a sweater, find... →
Psychopaths know the technical difference between right and wrong - which is one of the reasons their insanity pleas in criminal cases so rarely... →
At the root of the shy temperament is a deep fear of social judgment, one so severe it can sometimes be crippling. Introverted people don't worry... →
As with real reading, the ability to comprehend subtlety and complexity comes only with time and a lot of experience. If you don't adequately... →
Indeed, the best way to think of willpower is not as some shapeless behavioral trait but as a sort of psychic muscle, one that can atrophy or grow... →
Members of royal families are born into a world of indulgence and entitlement, and the princelings who grow up that way may never have to develop the... →
The truth, of course, is that the only necessary and sufficient condition for human beings to murder one another is the simple fact of being human.
Every batch of sperm represents an opportunity for genetic typos - called de novo mutations - to be passed on. A 20-year-old man and woman will each... →
There's a deep-freeze of sorts for all good intentions - a place that you store your plans to make changes in your life when you know you're... →
A child gets vaccinated and soon after, autism symptoms emerge. The apparent cause-and-effect is understandable but erroneous - more a coincidence of... →