Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of John Cameron →
My main frustration is the fear of cancer from low dose radiation, even by radiologists.
I am now almost certain that we need more radiation for better health.
Nuclear physics is interesting but it is unlikely to help society.
It is likely that we need more radiation to improve our longevity.
If someone is interested in medicine and also in physics and they like working with people and communicate well with others, I would strongly... →
I am not unhappy that my contribution was not recognized. I am sure it helped my career.
I have the satisfaction of knowing I did something useful for society.
Too many radiologists still believe there is a risk from a chest x-ray. Few radiologists can explain radiation to the patient in words the patient... →
In some cases radiation reduces the incidence of cancer.
We developed simple test tools to optimize imaging parameters. No company was interested in our idea.
In 1970 I realized that there was negligible risk from x-rays but many radiographs had poor image quality so that the risk from a false negative was... →
Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the many mysteries of our bodies, such as the basic mechanism of memory or... →
Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with... →