Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of John Piper →
Darkness comes. In the middle of it, the future looks blank. The temptation to quit is huge. Don't. You are in good company... You will argue... →
Redemption is not perfection. The redeemed must realize their imperfections.
We look at life from the back side of the tapestry. And most of the time, what we see is loose threads, tangled knots and the like. But occasionally... →
Not all single women want to be married. Not all boys like football. Not all homemakers like to cook. Not all messy people are lazy. And not all the... →
Whether sexual orientation can change or not, hearts can change and turn any sexual orientation into an occasion for the glory of Christ. Those with... →
God tests His people through hardship.
The best news of the Christian gospel is that the supremely glorious Creator of the universe has acted in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection... →
As much as we can, let's defend the truth by pointing to what the apostles taught, and let's call out sin by pointing to the inconsistencies... →
The most dangerous thing in the world is the sin of self-reliance and the stupor of worldliness.
You don't give God authority over your life. He has it, totally.
The Bible is the ultimate authority and infallible, not the pastor and not the elders. And it doesn't mean that you believe everything he says... →
Neither Muslims nor anyone else truly worships the true God if they reject Jesus as he really is in the Gospels.
The Bible does not oppose or forbid interracial marriages but sees them as a positive good for the glory of Christ.