Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Joseph Lancaster →
All are agreed, that the increase of learning and good morals are great blessings to society.
Mankind are divided into sects, and individuals think very differently on religious subjects, from the purest motives; and that gracious common... →
May this plain statement of facts prevail on the friends of the rising generation to interpose for their welfare; that the education of children may... →
A spirit, breathing the language of independence, is natural to Englishmen, few of whom are disposed to brook compulsion, or submit to the dictates... →
IT is difficult to speak or write with becoming moderation or propriety, on topics to which we are biased by prejudice, interest, or even principle.
Many thousands of youth have been deprived of the benefit of education thereby, their morals ruined, and talents irretrievably lost to society, for... →
The same stimulus that animates men to action, will have a proportionate effect on juvenile minds.
A system of education, which would not gratify this disposition in any party, is requisite, in order to obviate the difficulty, and the reader will... →
At a moderate calculation, among a million of persons inhabiting the metropolis, there are, at least, twenty-five thousand children who attend these... →
The institution of a public library, containing books on education, would be well adapted for the information of teachers, many of whom are not able... →
This system of encouragement proves serviceable as a preventive of punishment, the attainment of the tickets being a reward, the forfeiture of them... →
When obedience to the Divine precepts keeps pace with knowledge, in the mind of any man, that man is a Christian; and when the fruits of Christianity... →
I was induced to establish several orders of merit, from conviction that emulation, well directed, becomes a useful servant; and, that the latent... →