Kevyn James Aucoin (February 14, 1962 – May 7, 2002) was an American make-up artist, photographer and author. Read full biography of Kevyn Aucoin →
Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to... →
Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow or hottest new lip shade will mask an ugly heart.
I'm not saying that putting on makeup will change the world or even your life, but it can be a first step in learning things about yourself you... →
I made a crash landing here on Earth on February 14, 1962, in the Shreveport Catholic Charities Home for un-wed mothers. The infamous Bonnie and... →
Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up, or... →
Beauty has a lot to do with character.
Fear is the most debilitating emotion in the world, and it can keep you from ever truly knowing yourself and others - its adverse effects can no... →
Perfection is boring. If a face doesn't have mistakes, it's nothing.
It's our hearts and brains that we should exercise more often. You can put on all the makeup you want, but it won't make your soul pretty.
There are two types of people in the world: people who are passionate about things, and people who've had their passion punched, beaten, or... →
While traveling around the world, I've had the opportunity to work with every living beauty icon. I've learned to appreciate idiosyncrasy.... →
That's why I began doing makeup in the first place: I was hoping that through helping people see the beauty in themselves, I could try and find... →
Soon I realized that if beauty equalled forgiveness, I was never going to be forgiven.