Lauren Hutton (born November 17, 1943) is an American model and actress. Hutton notably appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine on 28 occasions and earned more than any other model within a decade-long period. Read full biography of Lauren Hutton →
We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be.
There are plenty of beautiful girls who don't photograph well.
No one's raising children any more. To love a child, you've got to work for it. You have to change its diapers and feed it at night!
I became a specialist at comedic one-liners.
The last thing we need is yet another makeup company. Even I have a nervous breakdown when I go through the department store makeup floor.
I had always broken the rules.
In 1974, the modeling world changed. Jerry Ford and my lawyer negotiated the deal for the first exclusive contract in modeling history.
Lord knows, I never want to waste any more of my time in mirrors.
That's the mistake women make - you shouldn't see your makeup. We don't want to look like we've made an effort.
I don't spend much money on clothes; I never did.
A lot of modeling is how much crap you can take.
Eileen Ford wanted me to fix my nose and my teeth. I said, Sure, great, but I really had no intention to.
I had 30-something years' experience in modeling, which is rare.