Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Michael Azerrad →
When you're writing, you're only a brain and some fingers, but drumming, you're involving all four limbs, and you're hearing stuff... →
For Nirvana, putting out their first major-label record was like getting into a new car. But the runaway success was like suddenly discovering that... →
I have this theory, bands with enigmatic lyrics attract crazies.
Bon Jovi's trick is to use heavy-metal chords and still sound absolutely safe. Rock & roll used to be rebellion disguised as commercialism;... →
The online musical universe has become Balkanized, with many sites focusing on minute niches. That works well for reaching very specific... →
There's no glamour in Nirvana, no glamour at all, in fact.
Back in the day, in '91 or so, I tried to interview Fugazi for Rolling Stone, which the band felt stood for everything they detested about... →
Ten percent of the American population thinks that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Those are the people that have not learned the skill of filtering... →
I really believe in the power of music - and I mean literally the power of musical tones - to rearrange the way you can think.
As a journalist, I'm not supposed to be the subject, but as an author, I'm fair game - another ingredient in the media soup.
Nine Inch Nails' sound is dominated by clanging synths and sardonic, shrieking vocals.
There's a whole apparatus for indie bands now, but back in the eighties it was just getting built. The early people really took it on the chin.
A lot of music fans are still interested in insightful perspectives on music - maybe even more interested than ever, since everyone needs help making... →