Michael John Berryman (born September 4, 1948) is an American actor. He has appeared in several horror movies and other B-movies. Read full biography of Michael Berryman →
We all live on the same planet, it is our only home, so... we used to rotate crops back in the day and, you know, who cares if you're going to... →
Censorship is a strange situation. There was times when people would burn books because they didn't like what people were doing.
Imitation is flattery, and The Hills Have Eyes is a classic.
In LA I was watching At the Movies with Ebert and Roper, it was, nice to see them differentiate between the subject matter and the art form of making... →
That includes not cutting down the rain forest, and stop polluting the ocean because once we kill the coral reefs and the rain forest, this earth is... →
And religion causes most of the problems, war, and economics of course, and study your history or you're going to repeat it; and if you're... →
If your religion is better than mine and your opinion, you have a real problem.
Sending our youth to war is wrong.
Yeah, it's fun to be somebody you're not, to bring a character to life.
It is gorgeously shot, and Andrew believes that the old school way of making films in the best way. Meaning: you have a story, and you stick to the... →