Michael Pollan (born February 6, 1955)[citation needed] is an American author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Read full biography of Michael Pollan →
In corn, I think I've found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast-food meal, a McDonald's meal, virtually all the carbon... →
Without the potato, the balance of European power might never have tilted north.
I mean, we're really making a quantum change in our relationship to the plant world with genetic modification.
Fairness forces you - even when you're writing a piece highly critical of, say, genetically modified food, as I have done - to make sure you... →
This is part of human nature, the desire to change consciousness.
I have had the good fortune to see how my articles have directly benefited some farmers and helped build markets for their products in a way that... →
The things journalists should pay attention to are the issues the political leadership agrees on, rather than to their supposed antagonisms.
Corn is an efficient way to get energy calories off the land and soybeans are an efficient way of getting protein off the land, so we've designed... →
You cannot eat apples planted from seeds. They must be grafted, cloned.
In general, science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature, Cell, The New England... →
Now that I know how supermarket meat is made, I regard eating it as a somewhat risky proposition. I know how those animals live and what's on... →
When you go to the grocery store, you find that the cheapest calories are the ones that are going to make you the fattest - the added sugars and fats... →
Plus, I love comic writing. Nothing satisfies me more than finding a funny way to phrase something.