Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Peter O'Toole →
Money is always a pressure.
No one ever watched competitive swimming.
People talk about the '60s, but they were merely a mass production of what the '50s had begun.
There are only three indispensable things: the audience, the actor and the author. The rest is dross.
When I'm doing theatre, I prefer to be doing cinema. When I'm doing cinema, I prefer to be doing theatre.
You know when you've found a part that you want to play. You know it because the part takes you over. It sits in the script waiting for you to... →
I can make the best French toast.
I quite like being old.
My own favorite is something called Rogue Male.
I was apprehensive about bringing off this Homer.
If I'm not at my study by 10:00, 10:30, forget it, I can't write a word.
Omar Sharif and I spent nine months in the desert, day after day for nine months.
An Oscar is a symbol that is known in every corner of the world.