Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Reggie Lee →
The other day, a doughnut shop in Portland called Pip's Originals tweeted me telling me that they named a doughnut after me called the 'Dirty... →
I don't fancy myself as a very sarcastic person in real life.
I'm a quarter Chinese and three-quarter Filipino. I don't look Filipino; I look more Chinese or Korean. It actually works in my favor: in... →
You want something? Go get it with single-minded devotion.
I cannot see myself sitting at a desk from nine to five!
There's this list on Internet Movie Database that I'm on, and it's called 'Actors with High Body Counts.' I'm always playing... →
I would love to play a normal human being with a little bit of a comedic bend that had a love interest. I would love to explore comedy, like a... →
When I was growing up in the Philippines, the story that was read to me most was Pinocchio.
For the working actor, there's nothing more stable than a network television show.
Most of my background is Filipino and partly Chinese, but mostly Filipino.
The acceptance to Harvard was more of trophy than a real possibility to me. I would have been miserable.
Definitely for myself, I find myself gravitating towards dramatic work. In terms of sitcoms, you know, I always tell my agent I don't want to be... →
From the time I made my announcement that I was going to be an actor, I auditioned for community theater, did shows at Greenbrier, interned at the... →