Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Rob Walton →
I've done work for hire. I've worked for DC and Dark Horse.
If you exercise your mind, you're not going to get sick.
If you'd rather go to the football game than read a comic, that's fine. I'd rather do both.
That and the fact that I knew that nobody was going to publish my work at Dark Horse or DC or anywhere.
The first thing you need to run for President is a budget of around $20 million dollars a day.
The only reality is our society, and I mean this seriously, Western Society is a very sick society.
The thing about American politics, as I've learned, is there is no choice.
The violence in society, I'm afraid, is perpetrated by the people at the top.
In the Second World War, they're talking about the Japanese traitors and putting them into concentration camps. But companies like DuPont had... →
Planet Lucy Press? I incorporated myself to deal with publishing and was calling myself Big Bang Incorporated, which of course has to do with the Big... →
If it came to saving the life of one priest or sacrificing the life of an entire congregation, the church would save the life of the priest. Which is... →
If you like a story that's totally different and won't know which way it's going... where it's go ing to end up and which way... →
Marvel has put out good product. DC has put out good product. Even Image has put out good product, as far as I'm concerned... although it's... →