Robert C. Solomon (September 14, 1942 – January 2, 2007) was an American professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin. Read full biography of Robert C. Solomon →
Love can be understood only 'from the inside,' as a language can be understood only by someone who speaks it, as a world can be understood... →
Chances are the movements of the euro as against the dollar will be relatively moderate.
The dollar is currently the principal reserve currency in the world.
On private transactions, I'll just go very quickly now, a major difference between the United States and Euroland is that in Europe banks are... →
There is a European Central Bank, of course, established and it has the structure similar to the Federal Reserve system, not precisely the same but... →
Some countries that are close to Europe that already hold Deutschemarks, clearly would automatically hold euros, those are countries in Eastern... →
If a currency is to become a growing, an increasing reserve currency, there has to be not only a demand for it there has to be a supply of it.
In the United States, securities markets are much more developed than they are in Europe.
The dollar went up some eighty percent in real terms as I recall now or something like that - from '80 to '85.
The prices of all imports would rise if the dollar depreciates.
Another question has been raised rather widely in Europe, in Japan as well as in the United States is what, to what extent will the euro become a... →
Back in those days, in the fifties and sixties, countries had balance of payment's deficits or surpluses, those were reflected much more than... →
So if the euro, if Euroland is to become a reserve center, if the euro is to become a reserve currency, Euroland will have to have a deficit in its... →