Unfortunately, information about the author is unknown to us. But you can add it. Read full biography of Ron Davies →
I am saying that in Wales here we have a very clear election commitment and I hope, and I will express this view, I hope that every individual member... →
The standing orders of the Parliamentary Party, however, apply to me, apply to every other Member of the Parliamentary Labour Party and they put into... →
It's about getting a more democratic Wales for the purpose of improving our economic performance, for improving the delivery of health care, for... →
There is so much that can be done, you see, the assembly is about improving our democracy.
What I've said in the past is that I want the Labour Party to approach this matter on the basis of unity.
First of all it has never been the case that I have threatened people with expulsion or that I've threatened to throw people out of the... →
I also want to draw attention to the responsibilities that people have to live up to their election promises and to live up to the votes that were... →
Well I've already made it clear that it's a matter for individuals in exercising their own judgement, their own consciences to speak freely... →
And, I hope now that everybody understands that the Labour Party - as it always has done - stands for free speech and individual Members of the... →
I've made it abundantly clear and I'll repeat yet again there's no question of gagging individuals.
Well it's not a matter for me to say what Llew Smith can or cannot do, he's an elected Member of Parliament.
I have - I have more than an interesting task in piloting Wales into our new democracy, without wanting to exercise draconian powers on behalf of... →
Now, I think that in acknowledging that every individual Member of Parliament and indeed every individual member of the Labour Party, has rights to... →