Ronald Arthur "Ron" Silver (July 2, 1946 – March 15, 2009) was an American actor, director, producer, radio host and political activist. Read full biography of Ron Silver →
I don't even like to use the word relationship. I don't know what it means.
The twentieth century has exhibited a barbarism and lack of respect for human life on a massive scale just about unknown before.
I was immature the way I handled the business. I saw myself as a tribune of the people.
You have to think an awful lot about your motivations or people's behavioral intentions or what their body language can indicate or what's... →
Nothing gets a bigger laugh than when you refer to things like ethics or human rights.
Artists speak the truth to the public without fear of retribution or damage to their careers.
I think it's good to meet smart people and talk.
Involvement in public affairs is a legitimate use of celebrity.
It's not like I'm the most famous person in the world.
Too often in the past, U.S. leaders have forced Israel to pay the price for American strategic interests in the Middle East - through concessions in... →
Anyone who devotes time and attention to what makes people tick, to me, is a smart person.
I think you have an obligation to be an optimist. Because if you're not, nothing will change.
But why should I run for office and lose what little influence I have?