Tess Gerritsen (born June 12, 1953) is an American novelist and retired physician. Read full biography of Tess Gerritsen →
My brother and I spent our childhood in movie theaters screaming. I decided early on that that was the epitome of entertainment. I'm always... →
My father was second-generation Chinese-American, born in 1923 in California. My mother emigrated to the States from China when she was in her early... →
The hardest part of writing is the first draft, and the closer you get to your deadline, the messier your workspace becomes - but that's the same... →
After twelve years of living in Hawaii, I'd gotten a serious case of 'rock fever.' I just couldn't live on an island any longer.
Aside from the Rizzoli & Isles books, there are many other stories I want to write. The question is whether I'll live long enough to write... →
I was always meant to be a writer. I've felt that way since I was a child.
I was an anthropology major in college, and I've had a lifelong fascination with Egyptology, mummies, and all sorts of bizarre cultural practices.
It's what all writers dream of, that our work finds a measure of immortality that long outlives the words of any critic.
My most successful books, the ones that I feel the strongest about, are the ones that started with a premise that for me was deeply emotional.
My dad's cooking was magic in the kitchen. But eventually over the years, his personality changed and his ability to remember recipes failed. He... →
Since my romance novels had all been thrillers as well, it wasn't such a leap for me to move into the straight thriller genre. The most difficult... →
A project like 'Rizzoli & Isles' is something you can't pursue. It's something that comes to you... I like to call it 'fairy... →
Because I never plan anything out ahead of time, I'm always in the process of learning about my characters. Without a biographical sketch to... →