Darwin recognized the fact that paleontology then seemed to provide evidence against rather for evolution in general or the gradual origin of... →
George Gaylord Simpson
Mr. Lincoln's elevation shows that in America every station in life may be honorable; that there is no barrier against the humblest; but that... →
Matthew Simpson
Passing into practical life, illustrations of this fact are found everywhere; the distant, or the unseen, steadies and strengthens us against the... →
If you live for fame, men may turn against you.
No one should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation.
Portia Simpson-Miller
The most effective leaders are actually better at guarding against danger when they acknowledge it that it exists. Cowards, in contrast, cling to the... →
Simon Sinek
Leadership is absolutely about inspiring action, but it is also about guarding against mis-action.
Individual liberty, the basic underpinning of American society, requires constant defense against the encroachment of the state.
Paul Singer
Of all the arguments against voluntary euthanasia, the most influential is the 'slippery slope': once we allow doctors to kill patients, we... →
Peter Singer
I'm a Utilitarian, so I don't see the rule against lying as absolute; it's always subject to some overriding utility which may prevent... →