Society is like the air, necessary to breathe but insufficient to live on.
George Santayana
If you stay on the air for 18 years, people know you.
Cristina Saralegui
The dissolution of the trade unions was in the air then.
Fritz Sauckel
Disappointments are to the soul what a thunderstorm is to the air.
Friedrich Schiller
How we express ourselves in worship remains up in the air.
Robert H. Schuller
The best cookies of all in the world are the ones my daughter Sally makes. They come out all uniform with nice little air holes.
Willard Scott
If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
Chief Seattle
I have a couple freeloader friends, but it's okay. I know they're gonna come in with their arms flying in the air empty-handed.
Amy Sedaris
I went into Harvard one way and came out a different person... It's the air at Harvard; it's like a Renaissance court.
Erich Segal
Any time they try to describe the tsunami to us, I am so touched by how high they look in the air, when they explain it with their hands-they go so... →
Connie Sellecca