I have always been much better at asking questions than knowing what the answers were.
Bill James
Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers.
Janis Joplin
The curse of a journalist is that he always has more questions than answers.
Bill Keller
We have a world that is searching for answers, that is searching for a way back to spirituality.
Moira Kelly
If you ask a hundred people, they all give you different answers.
Lenny Kravitz
There are no explanations, there are no answers.
Jessica Lange
The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.
Claude Levi-Strauss
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions.
I'm a lot more observational than personal in my writing. My writing is mostly a lot of questions without answers.
Laura Marling
When people feel a certain religion claims to have all the answers, that's what turns them off.