A more stable relationship between Poland and Russia based on reconciliation might revive the reunification of Europe.
Ivan Krastev
I have realised just how important it is to readers to feel that fictional stories are based on reality.
Nicole Krauss
Modernist architecture and town planning is inimical to human beings... based on the Darwinian concept that evolution is open ended, that there must... →
Leon Krier
I wanted to do different movies. I wanted to do deeper movies. More human movies based on human feelings.
Christopher Lambert
Such an arrangement would provide Taiwan and China with a forum for dialogue whereby they may forge closer ties based on mutual understanding and... →
Nick Lampson
A remarkable thing about the Silicon Valley culture is that its status structure is so based on technical accomplishment and prowess.
Jaron Lanier
When you make movies based on real life, you try to exaggerate it.
Matthew Lawrence
When you make movies of based on real life, you try to exaggerate it.
It is hard to cement any relations with any country based on promises that may not be deliverable.
Jim Leach
Unionization, as opposed to communism, presupposes the relation of employment; it is based upon the wage system and it recognizes fully and... →
John L. Lewis