I cannot cure myself of that most woeful of youth's follies - thinking that those who care about us will care for the things that mean much to us.
D. H. Lawrence
The landlady of a boarding-house is a parallelogram - that is, an oblong angular figure, which cannot be described, but which is equal to anything.
Stephen Leacock
Obviously any fiction is going to be a combination of what is invented, what is overheard, what is experienced, what is experienced by people close... →
David Leavitt
Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.
Fran Lebowitz
I am not particularly religious. But I think we do face the question of where God is, why we are created and where does life go, why we exist. That... →
Ang Lee
All I can tell you is that you cannot make choices in your own career, either career choices or choices when you're actually working as an actor... →
Brandon Lee
I am so excited to perform; I am so ready to perform; I love live performances! I think it's something so different from a track; live is just so... →
Claudia Lee
I cannot see myself sitting at a desk from nine to five!
Reggie Lee
I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself.
Robert E. Lee
A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.