The general revolt of a Nation cannot be called a Rebellion.
Algernon Sidney
If vice and corruption prevail, liberty cannot subsist; but if virtue have the advantage, arbitrary power cannot be established.
Everyone sees they cannot well live asunder, nor many together, without some rule to which all must submit.
A war can perhaps be won single-handedly. But peace - lasting peace - cannot be secured without the support of all.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Once a profound truth has been seen, it cannot be 'unseen'. There's no 'going back' to the person you were. Even if such a... →
Dave Sim
The intellectually sophisticated person is indifferent to all genuine individuality, because relationships and reactions result from it which cannot... →
Georg Simmel
I cannot go to Montreal without going to Beauty's, my favorite place for breakfast, where I have the Mish-Mash omelet with hot dogs, salami... →
Gail Simmons
My life so common it disappears and sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears.
Paul Simon
I have a certain sensibility that I bring to my writing that comes from knowing two things: what I as a reader like to read, and what as a writer I... →
Paullina Simons
You cannot have adoration without being criticized.
Raf Simons