There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.
Scott Adams
Unless our conception of patriotism is progressive, it cannot hope to embody the real affection and the real interest of the nation.
Jane Addams
I have somewhere met with the epitaph on a charitable man which has pleased me very much. I cannot recollect the words, but here is the sense of it:... →
Joseph Addison
Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the... →
We cannot say that if a child is badly nourished he will become a criminal. We must see what conclusion the child has drawn.
Alfred Adler
Where the roots of private virtue are diseased, the fruit of public probity cannot but be corrupt.
Felix Adler
If you never ask yourself any questions about the meaning of a passage, you cannot expect the book to give you any insight you do not already possess.
Mortimer Adler
The actor cannot afford to look only to his own life for all his material nor pull strictly from his own experience to find his acting choices and... →
Stella Adler
Slash, Axl, Duff, Izzy and I are all brothers. Axl and his lawyers cannot take away what we had. As long as we are alive, we have it. We are brothers... →
Steven Adler
Wrong life cannot be lived rightly.
Theodor Adorno