Great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin.
Desiderius Erasmus
Nowadays the rage for possession has got to such a pitch that there is nothing in the realm of nature, whether sacred or profane, out of which profit... →
Great eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin.
According to this view, democracy is a product of western culture, and it cannot be applied to the Middle East which has a different cultural... →
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Several experts on the Middle East concur that the Middle East cannot be democratized.
But foremost, I do not subscribe to the view that Islamic culture and democracy cannot be reconciled.
However, democracy cannot be defined as the existence of parliaments and elections alone.
The purpose cannot be creating self-styled democracies, but rather encouraging steps that are conducive to establishing democratic rule at universal... →
Even in the Western world, one cannot argue that the ideal has been achieved given the existence of issues like the integration, participation and... →
Bankers cannot afford to be concerned with only the economic aspects of projects. There may be serious implications on the natural environment, the... →
Arthur Erickson