When I have spare time, I catch up on things I've had to postpone due to lack of time.
Steve Wozniak
When you catch other people with a sound like yours, that's when you know you did something.
If they're all so brilliant and I'm such an affirmative-action hire, how come they didn't catch me?
Jayson Blair
I have a long way to catch up. I have to start with the pros this year, about 20 seconds back.
Josh Brolin
I could jump, I was quick, I could catch and all those types of things, but when it came to just flat out speed, that's something I had to work... →
Troy Brown
I just don't know what makes a movie catch on and other ones don't.
Jerry Bruckheimer
I have a little pocket Bible that I have with me all the time in my briefcase, and so usually in the mornings, sometimes on the campaign bus or... →
Mike Huckabee
Do I catch flak because I'm so much smarter than everyone else? I don't know.
Brett Hull
Hollywood has always been a cage... a cage to catch our dreams.
John Huston
I have never been in any country where they did not do something better than we do it, think some thoughts better than we think, catch some... →
Maria Mitchell