Characters who experience great trauma will sometimes create an escape.
Geoffrey S. Fletcher
NBC is working with a team of astrophysicists to create a new day of the week.
Dave Foley
I like to create imaginary characters and events around a real historical situation. I want readers to feel: OK, this probably didn't happen, but... →
Ken Follett
Increasingly, there are those of us who write from outside the center, and those are the writers that I'm most interested in because they bring... →
Aminatta Forna
I was always at heart a novelist and wanted to tell a bigger story, so I wanted to create people who told other kinds of truths than literal truths.
The job is trying to create movie shots that have depth, that have the meanings you need them to have, and then good enough so that they will add... →
Robert Forster
The issue for me is American competitiveness, and how do we best create a climate here that allows international capital to come to these shores to... →
Vito Fossella
There are many reasons why novelists write, but they all have one thing in common - a need to create an alternative world.
John Fowles
I do feel we can create more jobs and opportunities for Jersey City residents, but in the spirit of free enterprise, I do not think it is right to... →
Vincent Frank
What I do is create images, period.
Frank Frazetta