If my brother and I wanted money in our pockets, we had to get jobs - my first was at 15, at Burger King. We had to come up with ways to create an... →
Queen Latifah
When I create an image that helps someone - even just myself - find peace, then I've attained my goal.
Evelyn Lauder
The most helpful piece of advice that I could give to anybody is to select a charity, or create a charity, that you really feel passionate about and... →
It's that anonymous person who meanders through the streets and feels what's happening there, feels the pulse of the people, who's able... →
Cyndi Lauper
With fame, I'm able to create more. With every success, you have more freedom to create.
You have to create something from nothing.
Ralph Lauren
I think that everything is part of creativity - the more you create, the more you have ideas, and the more you meet people.
Melanie Laurent
I didn't like the 'Survivor' shows because of the mean-spirited aspect, and women certainly were part of whatever conflict they would... →
Sharon Lawrence
Too many Mainers are dependent on government handouts. Government dependency has not - and never will - create prosperity.
Paul LePage
If you create open technology that people can use, adapt and play with, it builds capability and they teach themselves.
Charles Leadbeater