Poetry is what we do to break bread with the dead.
Seamus Heaney
Now if you go exactly where your competitors are, you're dead.
Thorsten Heins
One does not re-light a dead cigarette.
Anna Held
He that hath lost his credit is dead to the world.
George Herbert
The only dead bodies from marijuana are in the prisons and at the hands of the police. This is ridiculous.
Jack Herer
Well, as I understand it, the main supporters are beer companies and the pharmaceutical companies. I'd like them to show me the dead bodies from... →
But you can count the dead bodies from alcohol, tobacco, and legal pharmaceuticals by the millions.
Regarding the Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, they will find us standing up or dead, but never on our knees; NEVER!
Omar Torrijos Herrera
The doctors realized in retrospect that even though most of these dead had also suffered from burns and blast effects, they had absorbed enough... →
John Hersey
We need a day of the dead. That's a perfect celebration.
Kristin Hersh