It is the patriotic duty of every man to lie for his country.
Alfred Adler
The philosopher ought never to try to avoid the duty of making up his mind.
Mortimer Adler
But if our hopes are betrayed, if we are forced to resist the invasion of our soil, and to defend our threatened homes, this duty, however hard it... →
King Albert II
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.
James Allen
If we allow the consideration of heathen morality and heathen religion to absolve us from the duty of preaching the gospel we are really deposing... →
Roland Allen
A duty is to be chosen from what is virtuous, and from what is useful, and also from the comparison of the two, one with the other; but nothing is... →
Saint Ambrose
Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers.
Henri Frederic Amiel
A good deed is not just a duty, but above all, a privilege.
Shari Arison
In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.
Saint Augustine
No eulogy is due to him who simply does his duty and nothing more.