You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.
George Carlin
If I had my dream, we'd all be eating more plants and less garbage.
Kris Carr
For an adult, eating alone at McDonald's is admitting a kind of defeat.
Jonathan Carroll
If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners.
Johnny Carson
I always thought eating what you wanted was one of those aspects of adulthood to be looked forward to when you were a child.
Graydon Carter
Good manners: The noise you don't make when you're eating soup.
Bennett Cerf
I love to eat sushi, and, you know, those flavors and wasabi and really eating spoonfuls of it... I would just mix it and put it on everything... →
David Chang
I don't like eating in restaurants.
Eating words has never given me indigestion.
Winston Churchill
I have never developed indigestion from eating my words.