I'm a much better writer for being a father.
Chris Cleave
God was treated like this powerful, erratic, rather punitive father who has to be pacified and praised. You know, flattered.
John Cleese
Although my father is English, I was brought up in Australia.
Adelaide Clemens
The reality is that my stepfather was like a father to me and watching him die from a sudden heart attack was one of the hardest things I have ever... →
Roger Clemens
My most important relationships were with my father and grandmother.
Jimmy Cliff
My parents always asked me what I thought, listened to my opinions, articulated their diagnoses of our challenges at home and abroad, and shared... →
Chelsea Clinton
When my father announced his campaign for president on Oct. 3, 1991, I had already cast my vote in favor of his candidacy.
My father has always been such a doer.
My mother is very good in Scrabble. In Boggle, my father is probably better.
My parents were definitely on the incentive side of parenting. Like, they told me that my father had learned to read when he was three. So, of... →