If a great outfit gets you one step closer to feeling good about yourself, then it's worth every penny.
Rachel Roy
I realize I never stand out in a room unless I'm feeling balanced, centered and happy. It sounds really corny but it's very, very true.
But you are alone. Yet I never tell what you are. And if your face lights up my world as no other can - well, this feeling too, when viewed as the... →
Josiah Royce
I never felt a feeling that I knew or could know to be unlike the feelings of other people. I never consciously thought, except after patterns that... →
I'm starting my own family, and there is no other feeling like it.
Daniela Ruah
Keep in mind that to avoid loneliness, many people need both a social circle and an intimate attachment. Having just one of two may still leave you... →
Gretchen Rubin
Often, if there's something that I want to do, but somehow can't get myself to do, it's because I don't have clarity. This lack of... →
Spending hours stressed out in front of the TV isn't the same as volunteering or donating. Feeling a high level of personal distress makes people... →
Children are extremely perceptive and absorb what goes on around them long before they can talk or even comprehend language. They are like finely... →
Theodore Isaac Rubin
Feeling angry is a universal human phenomenon. It is as basic as feeling hungry, lonely, loving, or tired. The capacity to feel angry and to respond... →