I don't read much fiction because I already read a lot of scripts, so I want to learn about the world.
Kirby Bliss Blanton
I don't plan an awful lot in life just as I don't plan an awful lot in my fiction.
Lawrence Block
I love science fiction.
Moon Bloodgood
I think what a lot of fiction is, is the imagining of the worst so as to prepare ourselves.
Paul Bloom
Writing is such a solitary thing, so it's nice, when I'm discouraged, to see people still have such faith in fiction.
Robert Boswell
That is partly why women marry - to keep up the fiction of being in the hub of things.
Elizabeth Bowen
Real life is crazier than fiction.
Lauren Bowles
It's not highly intellectual material. I'm dedicating it to the pulp fiction of the past.
Bruce Boxleitner
Some of the food in Liquor is food I've really eaten filtered through a veil of fiction.
Poppy Z. Brite
I'm not very popular, because they're bleak and they're mournful and all the rest of it and I get censorious reviews. But I'm only... →
Anita Brookner