Fortune favors the prepared mind.
Louis Pasteur
I couldn't lie to get myself fame and fortune.
Dave Pelzer
The tallest Trees are most in the Power of the Winds, and Ambitious Men of the Blasts of Fortune.
William Penn
Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.
Laurence J. Peter
It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.
How fortune brings to earth the over-sure!
No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.
I believe in America. America's made my fortune.
Mario Puzo
Has fortune dealt you some bad cards. Then let wisdom make you a good gamester.
Francis Quarles
Religions tend to disappear with man's good fortune.
Raymond Queneau