Only in a novel are all things given full play.
D. H. Lawrence
Because I was a dancer when I was a kid, I have so much empathy for these young girls who are so drawn to something lovely in music and in movement... →
Sharon Lawrence
I was a quiet teenager, introverted, full of angst.
Nigella Lawson
I take full responsibility for what happened at Enron. But saying that, I know in my mind that I did nothing criminal.
Kenneth Lay
Jeff knew full well what he was walking away from. Again, he needed to deal with this right away.
The 'Axis of Evil' was - and is - very real, as the tyrants of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea knew full well.
Michael Ledeen
When I have a full schedule like that, I don't see myself sitting there for a couple of months, doing the research, going through a painful... →
Ang Lee
No one really buys records anymore. You can look at sales and do that math real quick. Unfortunately, it's fast food in the music industry.... →
Tommy Lee
No, I'm at full height, I'm in the studio, I can actually catch actors by the eye, it's fantastic.
John Leeson
I believe that Orthodoxy has been thinking lately, and despite other impressions, that we can't have full sacramental communion if we don't... →
Karl Lehmann