Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.
Ansel Adams
Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.
I think films are harder because you have almost no rehearsals. I love the rehearsal process, but in films you have no opportunity to get things... →
Brooke Adams
Every man who has at last succeeded, after long effort, in calling up the divinity which lies hidden in a woman's heart, is startled to find that... →
Henry Adams
Thank God, I never was cheerful. I come from the happy stock of the Mathers, who, as you remember, passed sweet mornings reflecting on the goodness... →
Man is an imperceptible atom always trying to become one with God.
Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws.
John Adams
If our countries had war the one with the other, that was no cause that he should put us to death; with which they were out of heart that their cruel... →
William Adams
As humans, we have the tendency to call on God only when we think that we're in dire straits as opposed to cultivating a real relationship with... →
Yolanda Adams
You can live a wonderful life, you can love God with all your heart, and you can love your husband or wife very passionately and have a balance in... →