Whether the angels play only Bach praising God, I am not quite sure. I am sure, however, that en famille they play Mozart.
Karl Barth
What God chooses for us children of men is always the best.
If they take their children to doctors, they believe they are putting their faith in man instead of in God.
Bob Bartlett
Conceit is God's gift to little men.
Bruce Barton
Wind is God's way of balancing heat. Wind is the way you shift heat from areas where it's hotter to areas where it's cooler. That's... →
Joe Barton
Who is the ideal reader? God only knows.
John Barton
Muslims must believe that all power, success and victory comes from God alone.
Abu Bakar Bashir
Look at the Afghans, during the time of the Soviet invasion. They were among the poorest Muslims in the world, yet they were sustained by their faith... →
To lovers of the truth, nothing can be put before God and hope in Him.
Saint Basil
There is nothing unpremeditated, nothing neglected by God. His unsleeping eye beholds all things.