What happens in a fantasy can be more involving than what happens in life, and thank goodness for that.
Roger Ebert
The awkward thing for me is when the realization happens that I actually might like this girl. Then I become awkward.
Zac Efron
Something new always slowly changes right in front of your eyes - it just happens.
William Eggleston
There's more at risk in what happens in Microsoft than I could ever bet on a poker table.
David Einhorn
The problem with couture is not designers; it's what happens when the couturier will no longer be there.
Alber Elbaz
When anything bad happens, my insecurities come flooding out.
Carmen Electra
There's kind of a cool feel that happens every now and then. I guess that feel is the thing that makes the score its own score. But, I don't... →
Danny Elfman
I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates.
T. S. Eliot
I've learned that if one is arrogant and if something bad happens to him, people won't want him to succeed. They will make more of an effort... →
Lapo Elkann
I have a little mantra: 'My fear grows fat on the energy I feed it. And if it grows very big, it probably happens.'
Scilla Elworthy