I'll see a celadon green room in an 18th century New Hampshire house and just fall in love. Colors stay in my head.
Barbra Streisand
Being a woman in music was fine, but when I wanted to direct, I was poking my head into a man's world.
I used to have quite long hair, and I decided that I wanted to get it cut. I'd never met the person who did it, and she cut it into some kind of... →
Jonathan Stroud
Hair on a guy is something that attracts me first; if you've got a good head of hair, and you're able to style yourself in a way that's... →
Jessica Stroup
Offal and offcuts such as head and feet can be picked up for next to nothing, and eating them helps to avoid waste.
Tristram Stuart
There's a certain fear of simplicity. I think that's the thing, when you're younger as an artist, you get this idea in your head that... →
Patrick Stump
If somebody's pointing a trembling finger at your pants and saying you shouldn't be doing that, follow that finger back, go up the arm and... →
Jock Sturges
I'm better for it and I prefer to keep things simple and see what sounds I can get out of my head and hands rather than relying on a sound that... →
Andy Summers
I feel like there should be more black head coaches.
Lynn Swann
I had the most magical childhood, running free and going anywhere I wanted to in my head.
Taylor Swift