The moment I first heard love I gave up my soul, my heart, and my eyes.
Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don't give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad.
If you find the mirror of the heart dull, the rust has not been cleared from its face.
A mature society understands that at the heart of democracy is argument.
Salman Rushdie
I am certainly not a good Muslim. But I am able now to say that I am Muslim; in fact it is a source of happiness to say that I am now inside, and a... →
Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.
John Ruskin
No person who is well bred, kind and modest is ever offensively plain; all real deformity means want for manners or of heart.
The coward wretch whose hand and heart Can bear to torture aught below, Is ever first to quail and start From the slightest pain or equal foe.
Bertrand Russell
I completely believe that the 'Saw' movies do have heart and soul and morals and values.
Betsy Russell
By intensity of hatred, nations create in themselves the character that they imagine in their enemies. Hence it comes that all passionate conflicts... →
George William Russell